🎁  A C C E S S  F O R  F R E E  F O R  A  L I M I T E D  T I M E  🎁

The 5 Step High-Performance Study System 📚

This system allowed me to study fewer hours than most of my classmates while still graduating in the top 5% of my university.  The secret? Learning how to study smarter rather than harder.

✨ By the end of this course, you'll be able to...



Study with 100% focus

When you're studying, are you 100% focused, or are you getting distracted every 10 minutes? In this course, you will learn various methods to keep distractions at bay and stay completed focused.


Utilise speed learning

I teach you how to process and retain vast amounts of information in a short period of time using powerful speed learning techniques used by renowned academics such as Albert Einstein.


Achieve higher grades

The formal education system teaches you what to study, but not how to study. The ultimate goal of this course is to help you achieve higher grades in your exams by studying more strategically. 

🚀 The 5 Step System

The system starts at the beginning of the semester where you'll be researching a broad area of your subject. This involves background research and understanding the fundamentals. As you progress through the semester, your research area becomes more focused. In the final step of the system, your studying becomes laser focused on the material that has the highest probability of coming up in the exam.

⏰ Automate Your Studying

Turn your studying into an automated habit so you no longer ask yourself the question, "should I study or not?" You make it an automated behaviour - when it's time to study, you study. The 5 step system focuses on making the process of studying more streamlined. Being able to automate your studying plays an important role in achieving this.

📝 Overcome Procrastination

I teach you a powerful set of strategies to significantly reduce how often you procrastinate in a way that has you swimming with the tide rather than against it. Studying shouldn't be a constant uphill battle where you're constantly fighting off procrastination. That's why the 5 step system emphasises making your studying engaging and fun.

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